To prospective students: I am actively seeking highly motivated and talented PhD students starting in Fall 2025. If any of the following topics excite you:
- Optimization and learning for state estimation and navigation
- Spatial perception with learned representations
- Distributed autonomy for multi-agent systems
Please apply to Michigan Robotics and indicate your interests in working with me in your application. Please also reach out to me via email. Let’s have a chat!
Desired Qualifications:
- Self-motivated and strongly passionate about the above research topics.
- Desire to communicate and collaborate with a diverse team on high-impact research problems.
- Solid mathematical background and experience with one or more of the following areas: SLAM, 3D Vision, nonlinear/non-convex optimization, neural scene representations, multi-agent/distributed systems
- Proficiency in coding and programming, e.g., C/C++, ROS, Python, PyTorch, CUDA, MATLAB
- Experience working on real-world robot systems, e.g., ground vehicles, UAVs, legged robots, manipulators